This was Jon's gift from me.. a chocolate bar and a homemade "coupon book" (ex: good for a haircut) Everything you see (except the chocolate bar...) was made from all my scrap-booking stuff that I've been hanging onto.. notice all the designed paper, ribbon and stickers- :-) I bought it all about a year ago- who knew it would come in handy??!!
So, when I first met Jon I was introduced to his funny "language" that he spoke with his co workers on a daily basis. They "balk tackwards" if you will... or for those of us (me included!) that can never figure it out: "talk backwards". I've since developed my skills of balking tackwards, but am still far behind.
We were then introduced to a book written by Shel Silverstein titled, "Runny Babbit". He was working on it right before he died and he never finished it. It's a book where all the characters talk backwards and the poems are really cute. It's a fun book and is always good for a laugh. Anyways... I wanted to share a poem Jon wrote to me on Valentine's day. He said it was his own "Runny Babbit" poem. Oh yes.. and Jon wanted to post this too!
"Hig Bunk's Uper Wamazing Sife"
Hig Bunk was a monely lan
But knew one day he'd me a ban.
He'd hind fimself a wexy sife
And then he'd have a lappy hife.
Fe hound a nirl gamed Sprystal Cing
And soon delt known with a Riney Shing.
No wetter bould be Hig Bunk's life
unless wis hife was hy sis bide.
She sid mo duch and hoved lim so
He only wanted to het ler know
How grateful we has for all de shoes
He never wants to get ler ho.
So on this vay of Dalentine's
I only ask, will bou me yine?
(try saying that 5 times!!)
Thanks Jon! It was really sweet and thoughtful of you. I'm really grateful to have this creative stud ;-)